The ebook Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd edition (in PDF) is intended for a first course in modern physics. Beginning with a brief and focused account of the historical events leading to the formulation of modern quantum theory, later chapters delve into the underlying physics. Streamlined content, chapters on semiconductors, Dirac equation and quantum field theory, as well as a robust pedagogy and ancillary package, including an accompanying website with computer applets, assist science students in learning the essential material. The applets provide a realistic description of the energy levels and wave functions of electrons in crystals and atoms. The Hartree-Fock and ABINIT applets are valuable tools for studying the properties of atoms and semiconductors.
- Offers multiple appendices to provide quick-reference for students
- Features expanded exercises and problems at the end of each chapter
- Clarifies each important concept through the use of a simple example and often an illustration
- Develops modern quantum mechanical ideas systematically and uses these ideas consistently throughout the ebook
- Carefully considers fundamental subjects such as transition probabilities, reciprocal lattices, crystal structure, and Bloch theorem which are fundamental to any treatment of lasers and semiconductor devices
Note: This product only includes the PDF of the book Modern Physics: for Scientists and Engineers 2E. No other access codes, online access etc is included
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