
Biology: The Essentials (4th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Author: Mariëlle Hoefnagels
  • File Size: 365 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 704 Pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill International; 4th Edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1260709639, 126059761X, 1264388950
  • ISBN-13: 9781260709636, 9781260597615, 9781264388950

The ISE and US editions are the same

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $16.00.

SKU: biology-the-essentials-4th-edition-ebook Categories: , , , , Tags: ,

About The Author

Marielle Hoefnagels

Marielle Hoefnagels

Dr. Mariëlle Hoefnagels is an associate professor in the Department of Biology and the Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology at the University of Oklahoma, where she teaches courses in mycology, introductory biology, and science writing. She has received the Longmire Prize (the Teaching Scholars Award from the College of Arts and Sciences) and the University of Oklahoma General Education Teaching Award. She has also been awarded honorary memberships in several science student honor societies. Mariëlle received her BS in environmental science from the University of California at Riverside, her MS in soil science from North Carolina State University, and PhD in plant pathology from Oregon State University. Mariëlle's dissertation work focused on the use of bacterial biological control agents to reduce the spread of fungal pathogens on seeds. In addition to authoring Biology: The Essentials and Biology: Concepts and Investigations, her recent publications have focused on creating investigative teaching laboratories and integrating tech into introductory biology classes. She also maintains a blog on teaching non-majors biology, and she frequently gives presentations on study skills and related topics to the student groups across campus.

ISE Biology: The Essentials 4th Edition (PDF) by Mariëlle Hoefnagels.

Biology: The Essentials Fourth Edition epitomizes what the market has recognized as Mariëlle Hoefnagel’s distinct and student-friendly writing style. Mariëlle presents up-to-date information through What’s the Point?, Why We Care, and Burning Questions, which are pedagogical tools designed to demonstrate to readers and her students that biology is everywhere. Biology: The Essentials, 4th Edition offers a broader and more conceptual introduction to biology, simplifying the more complex biological content to the essential elements that students need to act as framework for the details.

Additional ISBNs for Hoefnagel’s Biology: The Essentials 4E: 978-1260597615, 978-1260709636, 9781266616020, 978-1266616020, 1266616020, 9781266614682, 978-1266614682, 1266614680, 978-1264388950, 978-1264386659, 9781264386659, 9781266363559, 978-1266363559, 1266363556, 1264386656, 9781265829933, 978-1265829933, 1265829934, 978-1264389247, 9781264389247, 1264389248, 978-1265231354, 9781265231354, 9781264987764, 1264987765, 978-1264987764

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook ISE Biology: The Essentials 4th Edition in PDF format. The International Edition and North American/USA versions are exactly the same. No access codes are included.


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