
Maternal and Child Nursing Care (6th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Marcia London, Patricia Ladewig, Michele Davidson, Jane W. Ball, Ruth C. Bindler
  • File Size: 132 MB, 190 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted)
  • Length: 1664 Pages
  • Publisher: ‎Pearson; Sixth Edition
  • Publication Date: November 6, 2021
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 0136860095, 0136860362
  • ISBN-13: 9780136860099, 9780136860365, 9780136860327

Original price was: $94.00.Current price is: $19.00.

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About The Author

Jane W. Ball

Jane W. Ball

Dr. Jane W. Ball earned her nursing degree from the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing and subsequently obtained a Bachelor of Science from Johns Hopkins University. Her career took off at the Johns Hopkins Children's Medical and Surgical Center, where she excelled in surgical, pediatric emergency, and outpatient units, initially serving as a staff nurse before advancing to the role of pediatric nurse practitioner. This journey marked the beginning of her dedicated career as a pediatric nurse and a passionate advocate for children's health.

Marcia L. London

Marcia L. London

Marcia L. London, RN, APRN, NNP, MSN, has combined her passions for nursing and teaching for nearly 35 years. She earned her BSN and school nurse certificate from Plattsburgh State University, started her nursing career in pediatrics at St. Luke's Hospital, and then began teaching at Pittsburgh's Children's Hospital Affiliate Program after earning her MSN. Since 1974, she's held various roles at Beth-El School of Nursing, including coordinator for nursing care of children for 32 years. London maintains clinical skills in urgent care and developed the neonatal nurse practitioner programs at Beth-El. She has contributed to national guidelines and texts, and pursued doctoral studies in higher education. Her teaching philosophy is that students can achieve more with support.

Michele Davidson

Michele Davidson

Dr. Michele R. Davidson, PhD, CNM, CFN, RN, is Associate Professor of Nursing and affiliate faculty member, Women's Studies Program, George Mason University

Patricia W. Ladewig

Patricia W. Ladewig

Dr. Patricia A. Wieland Ladewig earned her BS from the College of Saint Teresa, her MSN from Catholic University, and her PhD from the University of Denver. A former Air Force nurse, she found her passion for teaching at Florida State University and has taught at various nursing schools. In 1988, she became the first director of the nursing program at Regis College, later becoming academic dean when it became Regis University. She helped establish graduate nursing programs and additional health schools. Dr. Ladewig served as Chief Academic Officer at Regis until her retirement in 2016.

Ruth C. Bindler

Ruth C. McGillis Bindler got her B.S.N. from Cornell University, New York Hospital School of Nursing in New York. She worked in oncology nursing at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and then moved to Wisconsin and became a public health nurse in Dane County, Wisconsin.

Maternal & Child Nursing Care, 6th Edition (PDF/ePub) helps you build fundamental nursing skills for maternal-newborn and pediatric care, including clinical reasoning, cultural competence and evidence-based practice. This textbook promotes rapid and effective learning for condensed nursing programs by emphasizing essential content while eliminating redundancy. Adopting a family-centered approach, it teaches you to involve families as active partners in care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the care of infants and children. The focus on current nursing topics encompasses the QSEN principles of informatics, quality improvement, patient-centered care, team collaboration, patient safety, and evidence-based practice. The updated Sixth Edition incorporates the Healthy People 2030 objectives and introduces a new Focus on Genetics feature.

978-0136860099, 978-0136860365, 978-0136860327

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