The Fourth Edition of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, authored by the award-winning Gregory Privitera, is designed to inspire and empower readers to utilize statistical methods effectively in order to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the world surrounding them. This latest edition places a significant emphasis on enhancing awareness regarding the best practices in data analysis specifically tailored for the behavioral sciences. It particularly highlights the importance of transparency throughout the entire process, including recording, managing, analyzing, and interpreting the data collected. Such an approach not only encourages rigorous statistical practices but also fosters a more comprehensive appreciation of the findings derived from scientific research.
978-1544362816, 978-1544362830, 978-1544362823, 978-1544362847, 978-1071913925
NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th Edition, in the original PDF format. No access codes are included.
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