The Advanced Accounting 15th edition (PDF) allows students to think critically, just as they will in their careers and preparing for the CPA exam. The textbook delivers a well-rounded perspective on the accounting profession, highlighting both historical controversies and contemporary solutions. It illustrates the evolution of financial reporting as a result of rigorous and ongoing debate, which is likely to persist in the future. The material is lauded for its clarity, engaging conversational tone, and practical examples sourced from reputable publications such as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg Businessweek. Additionally, the inclusion of discussion questions—akin to mini-cases—enables students to grasp complex issues in practical terms, often revealing the significance of topics that merit deeper exploration. Comprehensive end-of-chapter questions, designed to develop essential skills, empower students to excel in research, analysis, spreadsheet management, and communication, all critical for passing the CPA Exam. Within the Connect platform, students have access to UWorld CPA Review questions, SmartBook, Integrated Excel, and a wealth of additional resources!
978-1266847639, 978-1264798483, 978-1266848773, 978-1266266461, 978-1266848506, 978-1266848179, 9781266848179, 9781266410734, 978-1266410734, 9781266843334, 1266843337, 978-1266843334,
NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook Advanced Accounting, 15th Edition, in PDF format. No access codes are included.
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