
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach (6th Edition) – eBook

Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach is intended for use in undergraduate and graduate Auditing, Professional Research Case, or capstone courses.

eBook details

  • Authors: Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt
  • File Size: 8 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 440 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; Sixth Edition
  • Publication Date: November 2, 2014
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0133852105
  • ISBN-13: 9780133852103

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About The Author

Douglas Prawitt

Douglas Prawitt

Dr. Douglas F. Prawitt, who earned his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, holds the prestigious position of LeRay McAllister/Deloitte Professor of Accountancy at BYU. His teaching and research in the graduate accounting and MBA programs zero in on professional judgment and auditing. Dr. Prawitt has authored award-winning articles for top-tier publications such as the *Journal of Accountancy, CPA Journal,* and *Internal Auditor,* and has co-written two influential auditing textbooks. His research has gained recognition in esteemed academic journals, including the *Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes,* and *Contemporary Accounting Research,* among others.

His accolades include numerous teaching and research awards, as well as distinctions such as BYU’s 2006 Award for Distinction in Graduate Education and the Auditing Section’s 2014 Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award. Additionally, he received the BYU Marriott School Outstanding Faculty Award in 2016 and the AAA’s Outstanding Accounting Educator Award the same year. Beyond academia, Professor Prawitt has chaired BYU’s faculty senate equivalent and served on the university-level promotion and tenure committee. He is also active in the profession, having completed a three-year term on the AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board and currently serving on the COSO Board.

Mark S. Beasley

Mark S. Beasley

Mark S. Beasley, is the Deloitte Professor of Enterprise Risk Management and Professor of Accounting at North Carolina State University. He has taught graduate and undergraduate auditing courses, and has received several teaching awards including membership in NC State’s Academy of Outstanding Teachers. He has extensive professional audit experience with the predecessor firm to Ernst & Young and has extensive standards-setting experience working with the Auditing Standards Board as a Technical Manager in the Audit and Assurance Division of the AICPA. He served on the ASB Fraud Standard Task Force responsible for developing SAS 99, the ASB Antifraud Programs and Controls Task Force, and the Advisory Council overseeing the COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework project. He recently completed over seven years of service as a member of the COSO Board, representing the AAA.

Steven Glover

Steven Glover

Dr. Steven M. Glover is the K. Fred Skousen Professor and Associate Dean of the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University (BYU). He also serves on the Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is past President of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association (AAA). Steve worked as a director in the U.S. National Office of PwC and regularly consults with public accounting firms.

Dr. Glover has published numerous books and articles and is a co-author on the monographs Enhancing Auditor Professional Skepticism, which received the AAA Wildman/Deloitte Medal award recognizing the published work making the most significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of public accountancy.

Step through real auditing cases one by one in this comprehensive etextbook. Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach, 6th Edition (PDF) by Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, and Douglas F. Prawitt is a comprehensive case book that focuses on each of the major activities performed during an audit. Most of the auditing cases are based on real and actual companies, and a number address financial reporting fraud. The unique active learning approach helps law students learn to think critically and develop their interpersonal skills, which are increasingly important in the workplace.

Teaching and Learning Experience

To provide a better teaching and learning experience–for both instructors and law students–this program will:

  • Help Law Students See Concepts in Action: Cases are introduced according to the phase of auditing they demonstrate, presenting students with clear examples of the material.
  • Engage Students with an Active Learning Approach: The auditing cases capture students’ interest using lively narrative that introduces emerging accounting-related issues.
  • Easily Integrate Cases into your Course: The Instructor’s Resource Manual offers instructional approaches, activity ideas, and group assignments to merge the cases into an existing course.


P.S. We also have Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach 6th edition test bank and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.

NOTE: This is the PDF eBook of Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach 6e and does not include any website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.


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