Over the period of five editions by Eric Widmaier, Linda Graham, Dr. Rob Brooker, and Peter Stiling, the ways in which biology is taught have significantly changed. We have seen a turn away from the memorization of details that are simply forgotten and a movement toward stressing core concepts and critical thinking skills. The prior edition of Biology strengthened skill development by including two new features called BioTIPS and CoreSKILLS which are targeted at helping students build effective strategies for solving problems and applying their knowledge in new situations. In Biology, 5th Edition, (PDF) by expert author group of Stiling/Widmaier/Brooker/Graham, we have emphasized our pedagogy on the five core concepts of biology as supported by “Vision and Change” and introduced at a national conference organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
P.S. Contact us if you want Biology 5e Test Bank, or other instructor resources.
Additional ISBNs: 978-1260487909, 978-1260960198, 978-1260169621, 978-1260487947
Newer edition available, see below
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Biology, 5th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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