This textbook uniquely explores child and adolescent psychopathology through the lens of the school psychologist. By integrating, comparing, and differentiating DSM-5 diagnoses from IDEA disability classifications, it offers a thorough examination of mental health issues within this demographic. The ebook Child and Adolescent Psychopathology for School Psychology: A Practical Approach highlights the effects of these conditions both at school and at home, while presenting practical, evidence-based educational and mental health interventions suitable for school settings. Additionally, it outlines the crucial role of the school psychologist and provides detailed insights into various educational supports and school-based mental health services tailored to specific conditions.
This resource offers an in-depth exploration of the roles and responsibilities of school psychologists, encompassing assessment, educational interventions, skill-based support, collaboration with key stakeholders, and advocacy efforts. The case studies featured highlight classification challenges and diverse strategies that psychologists can employ to assist students effectively. Each chapter is enriched with various elements designed to enhance understanding, including quick facts, thought-provoking discussion questions, and supplementary resource links. Additionally, instructor materials consist of a comprehensive manual, test questions, alignment with NASP domains, PowerPoint presentations, and a test bank.
Key Features:
- Covers the impact of various disorders on a child’s ability to learn and function in the classroom
- Includes case studies addressing classification issues and delineating practical student supports.
- Addresses practical, evidence-based educational supports and school-based mental health services suited to specific disorders
- Provides a school psychological approach to addressing a full gamut of child/adolescent mental health problems at school and at home
- Integrates, compares, and distinguishes DSM-5 diagnoses, IDEA disability classifications and other legal protections (i.e., Section 504) for each disorder
978-0826135780, 978-0826135872,978-0826137234,978-0826137241,978-0826137227
NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook Child and Adolescent Psychopathology for School Psychology: A Practical Approach in PDF format. No access codes are included.
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