Educational Psychology, 7th Canadian Edition (PDF) is written to show how information and ideas drawn from research in educational psychology can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching.
The Seventh Canadian Edition maintains the lucid writing style for which the ebook is renowned. The textbook provides accurate, up-to-date coverage of the foundational areas within educational psychology: learning, teaching, development, motivation, and assessment, combined with intelligent examination of emerging trends in the field and society that affect student learning, such as student diversity, the inclusion of university students with special learning needs, education and neuroscience, and technology.
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978-0137561094, 978-0134832210, 978-0135330418, 978-0135330456, 978-0137665273, 978-0137561094, 9780137561094
NOTE: This product only includes the eBook Educational Psychology, 7th Canadian Edition, in PDF. No access codes are included.
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