
Marketing Concepts and Strategies (8th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Lyndon Simkin, William Pride, Ferrell, Sally Dibb
  • File Size: 20 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 834 Pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning EMEA; 8th edition
  • Publication Date: January 30, 2019
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 1473760275
  • ISBN-13: 9781473760271

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $15.00.

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About The Author

Lyndon Simkin

O. C. Ferrell

O. C. Ferrell

Dr. O.C. Ferrell is a Professor of Marketing at Colorado State University. He also has held faculty positions at the University of Tampa, Texas A&M University, University of Memphis, Illinois State University, and Southern Illinois University, as well as visiting positions at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), University of Wisconsin (Madison), Queen's University (Ontario, Canada), and University of Hannover (Germany). He has served as a faculty member for the Master's Degree Program in Marketing at Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand).

Professor Ferrell got his MBA and BA from Florida State University and his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. His research interests and teaching include corporate citizenship, business ethics, and marketing. He is widely recognized as a leading scholar in business. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Marketing, and others.

His textbook entitled Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases is the leading textbook in this field. He has also co-authored numerous textbooks for management, marketing, and other business courses, as well as a trade book on business ethics.

Sally Dibb

William M. Pride

William M. Pride

Dr. William M. Pride is a Professor of Marketing, Mays Business School, at Texas A&M University. Dr. Pride got his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. He is the co-author of Cengage's FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS, a market leader. William teaches Principles of Marketing at both graduate and undergraduate levels and constantly solicits student feedback important to revising a Principles of Marketing textbook. His research interests are in promotion, advertising, and distribution channels. His research articles have appeared in major journals in the fields of marketing, such as the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Journal of Advertising. Bill is a member of the American Marketing Association, Society for Marketing Advances, Academy of Marketing Science, and the Marketing Management Association. He has received the Marketing Fellow Award from the Society for Marketing Advances and the Marketing Innovation Award from the Marketing Management Association. Both are lifetime achievement awards.

In its, Marketing Concepts and Strategies, 8th Edition (PDF) gives an in-depth insight into the core theories behind modern marketing. It combines the theoretical and practical knowledge of its world-class authors to ensure students develop a comprehensive understanding of marketing in the modern world. Updated to include new trends and challenges in the industry and with a diverse range of pedagogical features to help students learn in a variety of ways, the new edition continues to be a comprehensive guide to Marketing.

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