For introductory courses in managerial finance.
Using financial concepts to solve real-world problems with a proven teaching and learning framework
Principles of Managerial Finance 16E focuses on essential knowledge for making effective financial decisions in a competitive business environment. It helps you make the connections between a firm’s actions and its value, as determined in the financial market. With a generous amount of examples, this text is an easily accessible resource for in- and out-of-class learning.
The Teaching and Learning System ― a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance ― weaves pedagogy into concepts and practice, giving students a roadmap to follow through the text and supplementary tools. The Sixteenth Edition focuses on essential material for students to make effective financial decisions in a competitive business environment. It allows college students to make the connections between a firm’s action and its value, as determined in the financial market. With a generous amount of examples, this text is an easily accessible resource for in- and out-of-class learning.
978-1292400648, 978-1292400549, 978-1292418230, 978-0136945666, 978-0136945888, 9780136945666, 978-0136945666, 9780136945758, 9780136973355, 978-0136945758, 978-0136973355
NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook (Global) Principles of Managerial Finance, 16th Edition, in the original PDF format. The Global/International Edition is exactly the same as the North American/USA version (apart from the cover). No access codes are included.
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