
Principles of Marketing (7th European Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Lloyd C. Harris, Nigel Piercy
  • File Size: 56 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 700 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 7th edition (European)
  • Publication Date: 31 Oct. 2016
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1292092898
  • ISBN-13: 9781292092898

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About The Author

Gary Armstrong

Gary Armstrong

Dr. Gary Armstrong is Crist W. Blackwell Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Undergraduate Education in the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Gary holds undergraduate and masters degrees in business from Wayne State University in Detroit, and received his Ph.D. in marketing from Northwestern University. He has contributed numerous articles to leading business journals. As a consultant and researcher, Gary has worked with many companies on sales management, marketing research, and marketing strategy.

But Gary's first love has always been teaching. His long-held Blackwell Distinguished Professorship is the only permanent endowed professorship for distinguished undergraduate teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been very active in the teaching and administration of Kenan-Flagler’s undergraduate program. His administrative posts have included Chair of Marketing, Associate Director of the Undergraduate Business Program, Director of the Business Honors Program, and many others. Through the years, Gary has worked closely with business student groups and has received several UNC campus wide and Business School teaching awards. He is the only repeat recipient of school’s highly regarded Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, which he received 3 times. Most recently, Dr. Gary received the UNC Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching, the highest teaching honor bestowed by the 16-campus University of North Carolina system.

Lloyd C. Harris

Nigel Piercy

Nigel Piercy

Dr. Nigel Piercy, was formerly Professor of Marketing and Strategy, and Associate Dean, at Warwick Business School (UK). He is now a consultant and management writer. Recent publications include Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning (with Graham Hooley, Brigitte Nicoulaud and John Rudd) among many others.

Philip T. Kotler

Philip T. Kotler

Dr. Philip Kotler serves as the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the prestigious Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He earned his master’s degree from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from M.I.T., both in economics. As the author of the acclaimed *Marketing Management* (Pearson), now in its 15th edition, he has created the most utilized marketing textbook among graduate business schools worldwide. In addition to this, Philip has penned numerous other successful textbooks and has authored over fifty books, along with around one hundred and fifty articles published in renowned journals. Notably, he is the only individual to win the esteemed Alpha Kappa Psi award three times for the best annual article in the Journal of Marketing.

Dr. Philip received four major awards: the William L. Wilkie Marketing for a Better World Award, the Distinguished Marketing Educator of the Year Award, the Philip Kotler Award for Excellence in Health Care Marketing, and the Sheth Foundation Medal for exceptional contribution to marketing. He is a charter member of the Marketing Hall of Fame and the first Leader in Marketing Thought according to the American Marketing Association. His accolades also include the Sales and Marketing Executives International Marketing Educator of the Year, the Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award, and the Paul D. Converse Award. Recently, Forbes ranked him among the top 10 influential business thinkers, and a Financial Times poll placed him as the 4th most influential business guru/author of the 21st century.

The goal of every marketer is to create more value for customers. The authors of this best-selling Principle of Marketing, 7th European Edition (PDF) by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Lloyd C. Harris, and Nigel Piercy have aimed to create more value for the reader by building on a classic marketing textbook with its well-established customer-value framework and complimenting it with an emphasis throughout the ebook on sustainable marketing, measuring and managing return on marketing, marketing technologies, and marketing around the world.

To help bring marketing to life this etextbook is filled with interesting stories and examples about real companies, such as Google, Amazon, ASOS, Lego and Uber, and their marketing practices. This is the place to go for the freshest and most authoritative insights into the increasingly fascinating world of marketing.

Philip Kotler, Lloyd C. Harris, Nigel Piercy & Gary Armstrong’s Principles of Marketing – Seventh European Edition

Classic and authoritative, Principles of Marketing, 7th European Edition remains on the cutting edge of contemporary marketing. Kotler, Wong, Saunders and Armstrong have delivered a practical, fresh, managerial approach to the subject. Top gurus in their field, the team brings to this new seventh edition great content and features, which include:

  • Enhanced full colour adverts, tables, and figures highlight key ideas and marketing strategies
  • Rich topical examples and applications explain the major decisions marketing managers face
  • Completely revised and updated Prelude Cases, Marketing Insights, and Concluding Concept cases that reflect the growing influence of e-commerce

A comprehensive Companion Website, containing a wealth of teaching material for instructors and learning materials for marketing students, is available at Completely updated, this site boasts great additions, such as more case studies, multiple-choice questions, and sample answers to the Marketing in Practice DVD questions.


Principles of Marketing 7e provides an excellent all-round introduction to the subject.’ — Deborah Anderson, Kingston University, UK

Comprehensive and authoritative, but a pleasure to read — an uncommon combination!’ — Sveinn Eldon, Arcada Polytechnic, Finland

Any marketing student should have knowledge of this great version of Kotler’s classic Principles of Marketing ebook.’ — Even Lanseng, Norges Landbrukshogskole, Norway


A newer edition is also available. See related ebooks below

P.S we also have Principles of Marketing, 7th European Edition test bank, instructor manual, and other resources for sale. Contact for more info.

NOTE: This only includes Marketing 7th Edition (European) in PDF. No access codes included.


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