W. W. Norton is excited to announce that award-winning authors Elizabeth Phelps and Elliot Berkman will bring their ideas and energy to Psychological Science 7E (PDF). Our expert authors are committed to encouraging students to learn and evaluate psychology through the lens of methods, replication, and the open science era. Looking beyond the textbook, Elliot and Liz applied their experience with the introductory psychology course to all aspects of the teaching and learning tools, including InQuizitive’s adaptive assessment, new ZAPS 3.0 interactive labs with instructor support, a hands-on approach to visualizing brain science through a new interactive 3D brain, and exciting new interactive neuron animations. They are committed to introducing students to a more modern view of the field that shows the real-world impact of psychology and showcases the work of diverse researchers throughout. This purchase only offers access to the digital ebook of Phelps/Berkman’s Psychological Science, 7th Edition.
978-0393884944, 978-0393884722, 978-0393884968, 978-0393884951
NOTE: This sale only includes the Psychological Science, 7th Edition, eBook in the original ePub. A converted PDF is also included. (In a converted PDF, the page numbers and formatting will NOT match the physical book). No access codes are included.
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