For use as a primary textbook in clinical nursing education programs and as a reference for practicing nurses
Berman and Snyder’s Skills in Clinical Nursing 8th Edition (PDF) helps each student think like a nurse using a clear, consistent presentation of nursing skills. Consistency and accessibility are essential to student success in the Fundamentals of Nursing course. With its clear, approachable, writing style, Skills in Clinical Nursing 8E sets the foundation for nursing excellence. It provides detailed procedures on the most relevant skills nurses perform as they enter practice.

It includes all common variations and is organized from the simplest to the most complex. This 8th Edition has been revised and updated to reflect current practice, responding to extensive feedback from clinical nurses, market surveys, and the authors’ own teaching and practice experience. Each chapter contains concise introductory material, placing skills in the context of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology and clearly explaining their purpose and rationale. Every skill is presented in exceptional step-by-step detail, with over 800 illustrations. Skills coverage is complemented by critical-thinking insights on using assessment data and essential guidance on appropriate delegation to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). Students will learn to think like nurses as they see how the material they are reading is applied in nursing practice.
978-0133997439, 978-0133997323, 978-0133997330
NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook Skills in Clinical Nursing 8th Edition in a SCANNED (but searchable) PDF format. No access codes are included.
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