
American Government and Politics Today: Essentials (2017-2018 Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Barbara A. Bardes, Mack C. Shelley, Steffen W. Schmidt
  • File Size: 16 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 576 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 19th edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B01MZ2JRE0
  • ISBN-10: 1337091219, 1337091235
  • ISBN-13: 9781337091213, 9781337091237

Original price was: $41.49.Current price is: $10.00.

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About The Author

Barbara A. Bardes

Barbara A. Bardes

Dr. Barbara Bardes specializes in the American government, public policy, and political analysis. She got her Ph.D. in political science from the University of Cincinnati. While teaching at the Loyola University of Chicago, Professor Bardes was a founding member of the committee responsible for developing an academic program in women's studies.

She is active in numerous professional associations, including the Women's Caucus for Political Science. While serving as Dean of Raymond Walters College, Professor Bardes continues to engage in research and publication in political science. Areas of current research specialization include public opinion, attitudes toward foreign policy issues, and women in American politics.

Mack C. Shelley

Mack C. Shelley

Dr. Mack C. Shelley is a professor of political science and statistics at Iowa State University. He did his BS, in 1972 from the American University, Washington, his masters and Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, in 73 and 77 respectively
Steffen W. Schmidt

Steffen W. Schmidt

Dr. Steffen Walter Schmidt is a political scientist of Colombian origin.

Schmidt is of German and Jewish ancestry and was born in Colombia. He attended Rollins College and graduated from Columbia University with a doctorate in public law and government. Before beginning his career as a faculty member at Iowa State University in 1970, he taught at Southampton College.

He joined Phi Kappa Phi in 1997, was named the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences' director of international programs in 2004, and was named the first Lucken Professor of Political Science in 2017.

American Government And Politics Today: The Essentials, 2017-2018 Edition (PDF), inspires college students to join the exciting process of being active, informed citizens. Concisely organized, unbiased, and updated with Election 2016 coverage, the textbook’s fundamental theme continues to be the importance of participating in active citizenship, emphasizing critical thinking about political issues and encouraging political students to become involved in the political process. With a keen understanding of the needs and interests of today’s university students, the authors incorporate compelling and thought-provoking current examples to stimulate learning and excitement.


“It covers the necessary material in a clear and concise manner… The figures and tables are universally useful.

“This ebook has the unique ability to be very student and instructor-centered. Most textbooks are one or the other.”

“American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials provides all students with a relevant, interactive textbook that attempts to take them outside of the classroom environment and into their everyday lives. Having the ability to link the past to the present, while also thinking ahead to the future, is a difficult task for authors in a subject seemingly overloaded with textbook options. However, Shelley, Bardes, and Schmidt have adopted a rational approach and create a learning environment within the ebook itself to keep with the theme of having students as active, informed citizens.”

P.S You can also buy the American Government And Politics Today: The Essentials testbank and other instructor resources from us.

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook American Government And Politics Today: The Essentials, 19th edition in PDF. No access code or software included.


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