
Cloud Computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Virtualization, Business Models, Mobile, Security and More – eBook

eBook Details

  • Author: Kris Jamsa
  • File Size: 41 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted available on request)
  • Length: 324 Pages
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1st edition
  • Publication Date: March 22, 2012
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1449647391, 1284042979, 1449647405
  • ISBN-13: 9781449647391, 9781284042979, 9781449647407

Newer edition available. See below

Original price was: $64.97.Current price is: $11.00.

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About The Author

Kris Jamsa

Cloud computing is changing the way businesses and users interact with mobile devices and computers. Gone are the days of racks of disk drives, expensive data centers, and large IT support teams. In their place are software applications delivered to users on demand from the cloud, auto-replicated, high-capacity, secure cloud-based disk-storage and databases, virtualized-server and desktop environments, and cloud-based collaboration tools which back on-premise-, remote-, and hybrid-team success.

In the pages of Jamsa’s Cloud Computing, (ePub/PDF) readers will find a hands-on introduction to the cloud, which will have them using cloud-based data storage to stock personal documents and to share photos and other digital media with other users and their own several devices, performing cloud-based automated backups, and using other cloud-based applications by the end of Chapter 1!

Readers will learn specifics about platform as a service (Paas), software as a service (Saas), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), server and desktop virtualization, and much more. Every chapter of the ebook presents a cloud topic, explores the underlying business case, and then takes the reader on a test drive. The chapters are packed with real-world case studies. The ebook’s content is ideal for users wanting to migrate to the cloud, developers who will build the cloud solutions of the future, IT professionals seeking knowledge on cloud fundamentals, and CIOs wanting insights on the latest cloud solutions.

A newer edition is also available. See related books below

We highly recommend using the free Adobe Digital Editions (for Mobile devices) or Calibre (for Windows/Mac) to view the ePub ebook.

NOTE: The product only includes Cloud Computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Virtualization, Business Models, Mobile, Security and More in original ePub format (Kindle). A converted PDF is available on request for free. No access codes are included.


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