
Elements of Physical Chemistry (6th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula
  • File Size: 28 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 591 pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press; 6th edition
  • Publication Date: September 3, 2015
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0199608113
  • ISBN-13: 9780199608119

Original price was: $57.92.Current price is: $15.00.

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About The Author

Julio De Paula

Julio De Paula

Dr. Julio de Paula is a Professor of Chemistry at Lewis and Clark College. A native of Brazil, Professor de Paula received a B.A. degree in chemistry from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and a Ph.D. in biophysical chemistry from Yale University. His research activities encompass the areas of biophysical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, and nanoscience. He has taught courses in biophysical chemistry, general chemistry, physical chemistry, instrumental analysis and writing.

Peter Atkins

Peter Atkins

Dr. Peter Atkins is a fellow of Lincoln College in the University of Oxford and the author of about seventy books for college students and a general audience. His textbooks are market leaders around the globe. A frequent lecturer in the United States and throughout the world, he has held visiting professorships in Israel, France, China, Japan, and New Zealand. He was the founding chairman of the Committee on Chemistry Education of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and was a member of IUPAC s Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division.

Getting to grips with physical chemistry can be a daunting task. With new concepts to understand and a large amount of mathematics to master, it is no wonder that students can sometimes find it overwhelming. Elements of Physical Chemistry 6th edition (PDF) has been carefully developed to help the reader increase their confidence when using mathematics and physics to answer fundamental questions about the structure of molecules, why materials behave the way they do and how chemical reactions take place. The content is tightly focused and well-matched to undergraduate courses, making it easy to find the information needed. Topics are covered in a clear, easy-to-follow style, using everyday examples to help university students to visualise things that can otherwise seem very abstract. This edition sees further development of the learning features. These include Chemist’s toolkits, which provide a reminder of mathematical techniques or introductory chemistry needed to follow material in the chapters; Worked examples, providing a step-by-step route through a problem; Brief illustrations which explain how to use equations; and Self-tests, allowing students to check their understanding. On the accompanying Online Resource Centre, university students have access to multiple choice questions and Webcasts; short videos showing, step-by-step, how to solve an exercise. For lecturers, there is a test bank and the figures from the textbook are available to download.


This textbook presents the fundamental concepts of physical chemistry in an engaging and enjoyable style. I will definitely be recommending it to others.” — Matthew Ryder, Chemistry student, Heriot-Watt University “I think the ebook is very good for 1st and 2nd years. It does a good job of explaining some of the traditionally more ‘scary’ topics without being too heavy on the math. The exercises and questions are also done well, and the graphs and diagrams are clear and useful.” — Jonathan Booth, Chemistry student, University of York

NOTE: This sale only includes Elements of Physical Chemistry 6th edition in PDF. No online codes or access included.


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