
Essential Communication (2nd Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Ronald Adler, Athena du Pré, George Rodman
  • File Size: 11 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 312 Pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press; 2nd edition
  • Publication Date: December 14, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0190650087, 0190650109, 0190650184, 0190650095
  • ISBN-13: 9780190650087, 9780190650100, 9780190650186, 9780190650094

Original price was: $64.00.Current price is: $11.00.

SKU: essential-communication-2nd-edition-ebook Categories: , , , Tags: ,

About The Author

Athena du Pre

Athena du Pre

Dr. Athena du Pré teaches leadership, health communication, workplace dynamics, and interpersonal communication as a Distinguished University Professor of Communication.
She also oversees graduate programmes in strategic communication and leadership, as well as leadership in health communication.

Du Pré's background includes employment in media, public relations, and academia, with a focus on leadership and health communication. She has written or co-authored five books, as well as numerous chapters and papers on communication.

She is the author of the 5th edition of "Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives" and the co-author of "Understanding Human Communication," a best-selling communication textbook in its 13th edition.

George Rodman

Ronald B. Adler

Ronald B. Adler

Dr. Ronald B. Adler is professor emeritus at Santa Barbara City College. Throughout his career, he has specialized in the study of organizational and interpersonal communication. Dr. Adler is the coauthor of Understanding Human Communication, Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication 14th edition as well as the widely used textbook Looking Out/Looking In and the author of Confidence in Communication: A Guide to Assertive and Social Skills. Ronald Adler is also a consultant for a number of professional, corporate, and government clients and leads workshops in such areas as conflict resolution, team building, presentational speaking, and interviewing.

This is no normal textbook. With its highly visual features, revamped design, and concise coverage, Essential Communication, 2nd Edition, (PDF)  is a practical, interactive guide for students. Self-quizzes and exercises help all students reflect on their own communication patterns and improve their skills. Emphasized on the fundamentals, each element of this textbook helps all college students become better communicators online, in person, at home, and at work.


‘An easy read, intelligent, and focused on the existing way we communicate. It will resonate with the 21st-century student.” — Archie Wortham, Northeast Lakeview College

‘Like the title says, this is the essential communication of our time, and the ebook is chock-full of contemporary, illustrations and relevant examples of the theories we ask our college students to come to and understand.” — Susan Carol Stinson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

978-0190650087, 978-0190650100, 978-0190650186, 978-0190650094

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Essential Communication 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.


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