
Fundamentals of Information Systems (8th Edition)- eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Ralph Stair, George Reynolds
  • File Size: 34 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 560 pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 8th edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2015
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1305082168
  • ISBN-13: 9781305082168

Original price was: $86.99.Current price is: $9.00.

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About The Author

George Reynolds

Professor George Reynolds has taught Information Systems at the Miami University (Ohio), Xavier University (Ohio), University of Cincinnati, the College of Mount St Joseph and Strayer University. He has authored more than two dozen popular books addressing various aspects of today’s information technology and business.

Ralph Stair

Professor Ralph Stair has taught Information Systems (IS) at many leading universities in the USA. including the University of New Orleans, the University of Washington, Florida State University, and the University of Oregon. He got a B.S. in chemical engineering from Purdue University, an M.B.A. from Tulane University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon.

He has published numerous books and articles.

Combining the most current coverage and latest research available into a succinct 9 chapters, Fundamentals Of Information Systems 8th edition (PDF) equips computer students with a solid understanding of the core principles of IS and how it is practiced. The streamlined 560-page 8th edition features a wealth of new examples, references, figures, and real cases as it covers the latest developments from the field — and highlights their impact on the rapidly changing role of today’s Information Systems’ professional. In addition to a stronger career emphasis, the etextbook includes expanded coverage of mobile solutions, the increased use of cloud computing across the globe, energy and environmental concerns, and at least 2 cases per chapter. Learning firsthand how IS can increase revenue and reduce expenses, college students explore new information on virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI), e-commerce and enterprise systems, green computing, and other issues reshaping the current industry. The textbook introduces the challenges and risks of computer hacking, fraud, crimes, and even cyberterrorism. It also presents some of the most current research on global IS work solutions, virtual communities and social networking. No matter where any students’ career paths may lead, Fundamentals Of Information Systems 8e (pdf) and its resources can help them maximize their success as decision makers, employees and business leaders.


Note: This purchase only includes the PDF of the book Fundamentals Of Information Systems 8th edition. We also have the test bank and instructor’s manual of the same book available for download. Contact us if you want those as well.


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