
Game Theoretic Analysis – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Leon A Petrosyan, David Wing Kay Yeung
  • File Size: 15 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 621 Pages
  • Publisher: World Scientific
  • Publication Date: October 14, 2019
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 9811202001
  • ISBN-13: 9789811202001

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About The Author

David Wing Kay Yeung

Leon A Petrosyan

This collection in Game Theoretic Analysis: Non-cooperative Games and Equilibrium Analysis / Cooperative Games and Axiomatic Value  showcases groundbreaking contributions to game theory from leading experts in the field, encompassing Non-cooperative Games, Equilibrium Analysis, Cooperative Games, and Axiomatic Values in both static and dynamic contexts.

Part 1: Non-cooperative Games and Equilibrium Analysis
In the realm of game theory, non-cooperative games involve competition among individual players, where the potential for self-enforcing alliances, driven by credible threats, exists due to the lack of external mechanisms to enforce cooperation, such as contract law. This contrasts with cooperative games and establishes a foundational role for non-cooperative games. The analysis of such games typically revolves around equilibrium, which seeks to forecast players’ strategies and their corresponding payoffs; indeed, equilibrium analysis is at the heart of non-cooperative games. This volume delves into a wide range of non-cooperative games and equilibria, presented by eminent scholars in the discipline.

Part 2: Cooperative Games and Axiomatic Values
It is crucial to note that non-cooperative behavior often fails to yield Pareto optimal outcomes, leading to unfavorable scenarios such as the prisoner’s dilemma and even catastrophic situations like the tragedy of the commons when participants prioritize their individual interests. Cooperative games, on the other hand, provide a pathway to achieve socially optimal and collectively efficient solutions in strategic decision-making contexts. Additionally, axiomatic values offer a framework to facilitate cooperative solutions. This portion of the volume presents an assemblage of cooperative games and axiomatic values authored by distinguished figures in the field.


NOTE: This only consists of the eBook Game Theoretic Analysis: Non-cooperative Games and Equilibrium Analysis / Cooperative Games and Axiomatic Value, in the original PDF format. No access codes are included.


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