
Intermediate Accounting (3rd Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Elizabeth A. Gordon, Jana S. Raedy, Alexander J. Sannella
  • File Size: 29 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1469 Pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 3rd edition ‎
  • Publication Date: January 15, 2021
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B08T7N759H
  • ISBN-10: 0136946690, 0136946461
  • ISBN-13: 9780136946694, 9780136946465

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $19.00.

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About The Author

Alexander J. Sannella

Alexander J. Sannella

Dr. Alexander J. Sannella is currently a professor of Accounting and Information Systems at the Rutgers Business School and the Director of the MBA in Professional Accounting Program, the Director of the Master of Accountancy in Professional Accounting, and the Director of the Rutgers Business School Teaching Excellence Center. He earned his Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance from New York University and is a New York State Certified Public Accountant. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Rutgers University.

Dr. Sannella served on the faculty of New York University as an Accounting Instructor at the Stern School of Business and as an Associate Professor of Accounting at Iona College’s LaPenta School of Business.

He was also an independent consultant working on many projects with other public accounting firms, bankruptcy trustees, and leasing divisions of major insurance companies. He also consulted the Line of Business Program at the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC. Dr. Sannella is a Financial Reporting Executive Committee (FinREC) member at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Dr. Sannella has over 45 years of teaching experience at the university level and over 35 years of experience in developing and teaching investment and commercial bank training programs.

Elizabeth A. Gordon

Elizabeth A. Gordon

Dr. Elizabeth A. Gordon is a professor of accounting at the Fox School of Business at Temple University and a Merves Research Fellow. She earned her doctorate from Columbia University, a master’s degree in business administration from Yale University, and a bachelor of science degree in accounting with the highest distinction from Indiana University.

Dr. Gordon specializes in the areas of international financial reporting and corporate governance. Her research has been published in top journals, including The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, and the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.

Dr. Gordon has taught courses in financial accounting and international accounting at the undergraduate and graduate levels, receiving several teaching awards. She has coauthored accounting readings for the CFA Institute, integrating IFRS and US GAAP. She was an auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, and interned at the US Office of Management and Budget before entering academia.

Jana S. Raedy

Jana S. Raedy

Dr. Jana S. Raedy is the associate dean of the Master of Accounting Program, an associate professor of accounting, and the Ernst & Young Scholar in Accounting at the Kenan-Flager Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She got her bachelor's and master of science degrees from the University of Kentucky and her doctorate from the Pennsylvania State University.

Dr. Raedy’s research primarily focuses on issues in international financial reporting and areas in which financial reporting and taxation intersect. She has taught many courses in financial reporting at the graduate level, including core financial reporting (both introductory and intermediate accounting), international financial reporting, and forensic accounting. For over 15 years, she has taught a self-developed course in applied financial accounting research, heavily emphasizing judgment and decision-making.

Thinking like an accountant isn’t just rote memorization of accounting rules. Instead, it’s developing the judgment and decision-making skills needed to form accounting estimates and critically evaluate financial statements. With its focus on conceptual framework fundamentals and critical thinking, Gordon, Raedy, and Sannella’s Intermediate Accounting, 3rd Edition (PDF) helps you develop problem-solving skills, apply judgment, and work with real and actual company financials.

978-0136946694, 978-0136946465, 978-0136946533, 9780136946533, 0136946534

P.S. We also have the Intermediate Accounting, 3E, test bank, and solutions manual for sale. See related products below.

NOTE: This product only includes the Intermediate Accounting, 3rd Edition eBook in a PDF. No access codes included.


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