Brewer’s Introduction to Managerial Accounting 5th Canadian Edition (PDF) concisely covers the core managerial concepts and techniques that students need to understand and apply as future managers. With Brewer, students learn how to use managerial accounting information to build analytical and decision-making skills.
The Fifth Canadian Edition contains a wealth and variety of problem material that allows students to practice and master accounting concepts. Numerous real world and service-related examples are integrated throughout the text to make accounting even more relevant to today’s students
Sample Screenshot of the scanned book:

P.S. We also have the solutions manual for the Introduction to Managerial Accounting 5E ebook. See related products below.
NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Introduction to Managerial Accounting (5th Canadian Edition) in a (searchable) scanned PDF format (see sample screenshot above). No access codes are included.
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