
ISE Analysis for Financial Management (13th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Robert C. Higgins, Jennifer L. Koski, Todd Mitton
  • File Size: 6 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 465 Pages
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill International; 13th edition
  • Publication Date: March 18, 2022
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B09R522JZZ
  • ISBN-10: 1265042632, 1264112068
  • ISBN-13: 9781265042639, ‎ 9781264112067

This is the ISE version, however, content-wise, it’s exactly the same as USA edition

Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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About The Author

Jennifer L. Koski

Robert Higgins

Robert Higgins

Dr. Robert C. Higgins is the Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington. He earned his BS from Stanford University (1963), his MBA from Harvard University (1965), and got his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1969.

He has a lot of academic expertise in the area of risk management and his current research interest includes "Corporate foreign exchange exposure". He has been teaching at the University of Washington since 1967. He has also been a visiting professor at Koblenz School of Corporate Management in Germany, at the University of Virginia, at IMEDE in Lausanne, Switzerland, and a visiting associate professor at Stanford.

Dr. Higgins has consulted for various firms including Wells Fargo Bank, Seafirst Bank, and Bank of America.

Todd Mitton

Like its predecessors, the ebook Analysis for Financial Management, 13th Edition, (PDF) is for business students and nonfinancial executives interested in the practice of financial management. It introduces standard techniques and recent advances in a practical, intuitive way. This product assumes no prior background beyond a rudimentary and perhaps rusty familiarity with financial statements―although a healthy curiosity about what makes business tick is also useful. The emphasis throughout is on the managerial implications of financial analysis.

ISE Analysis for Financial Management, Thirteenth Edition should prove valuable to individuals interested in sharpening their managerial skills and to executive program participants. This product has also found a home in university classrooms as the sole textbook in Executive MBA and applied for finance courses, as a companion texbook in case-oriented courses, and as a supplementary reading in more theoretical courses.

All Our Prices Are In US$

Additional ISBNs for Analysis for Financial Management 13E: 978-1265042639, 978-1265751883, 1265751889, 9781265751883, ‎ 978-1264112067, 978-1260772364, 9781260772364, 1260772365, 9781264206360, 978-1264206360, 1264206364, 1264112041, 9781265011093, 978-1265011093, 1265011095, 9781264112043, 978-1264112043

NOTE: This sale only includes the Analysis for Financial Management, 13th Edition, (International) in PDF. It has the same content as the North American/US edition. No access codes are included.