Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 12th Edition (ePub/PDF) provides a clearer understanding of complex pharmacologic principles and the practical application of drugs. Through discussions of physiology, pathophysiology, and drug prototypes, it simplifies the learning process. Furthermore, it concentrates on critical content, addressing only the most pertinent drug interactions and adverse effects. Co-authored by nursing educators Jacqueline Rosenjack Burchum and Laura D. Rosenthal, the emphasis of this textbook is on comprehension of drugs and drug therapy rather than mere memorization of drug facts.
- Safety Alerts call out important safety concerns related to contraindications, adverse effects, and more.
- Person-Centered Care Across the Life Span tables summarize safe and appropriate care for patients from infancy to older adulthood.
- Clear, engaging writing style simplifies complex concepts, making difficult pharmacology content not only understandable but actually enjoyable.
- Concise drug summary tables present key information for individual drugs, including drug class, generic and trade names, dosages, routes, and indications.
- Special Interest Topic boxes examine the everyday impact of pharmacology with engaging vignettes such as Vaping and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (COVID-19) Vaccine.
- Nursing implications of drug therapy are integrated throughout to show the relationship between drug therapy and nursing care, and also recapped in Summary of Major Nursing Implications sections.
- Prototype Drugs approach focuses on representative agents that characterize all members of a given drug group, so that you can apply your understanding to related drugs that are currently available and those that will be released in the future.
- NEW! Enhanced emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion features updated gender-neutral language.
- NEW Transgender Health chapter covers gender-affirming hormone treatment for transgender patients.
- NEW coverage of CBD and expanded coverage of medical marijuana discusses the growing use of these substances.
- NEW! Updated COVID-19 content addresses the latest vaccination information and pharmacotherapeutic implications.
- NEW resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN) are included on the Evolve website and in the companion Study Guide.
- NEW! Updated drug content includes the latest FDA drug approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses, along with updated nursing content.
- NEW! In Lehnes 12E, the six cognitive skills of NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model are integrated into the Application of Pharmacology in Nursing Practice chapter and in Summary of Major Nursing Considerations tables.
978-0443107108, 978-0443108686
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NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 12th Edition in original ePub and original PDF formats. No access codes are included.
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