
Life-Span Human Development (9th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Carol K. Sigelman, Elizabeth A. Rider
  • File Size: 42 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 712 Pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 9th edition
  • Publication Date: March 14, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1337100730, 1337516066
  • ISBN-13: 9781337100731, 9781337516068, 9780357228685, 9781337100755, 9780357689981, 9781337469548

Newer edition available, see below

Original price was: $81.99.Current price is: $13.00.

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About The Author

Carol K. Sigelman

Carol K. Sigelman

Dr. Carol K. Sigelman is a professor of psychology at George Washington University, where she was also an associate vice president for 13 years and department chair for 4 years. She previously served on the faculty at Texas Tech University, Eastern Kentucky University, and the University of Arizona.

In addition to teaching courses in child, adolescent, adult, and life-span development, Dr. Sigelman has published research on the communication skills of individuals with developmental disabilities, the development of stigmatizing reactions to children and adolescents who are different, children's emerging understandings of diseases and psychological disorders, and parent-child communication at a distance in military families.

Elizabeth A. Rider

Elizabeth A. Rider

Dr. Elizabeth A. Rider is a professor of psychology, provost, and senior vice president of academic affairs at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. She previously served on the University of North Carolina faculty at Asheville. She has taught courses on child and lifespan development, women and gender issues, applied developmental psychology, and genetic and environmental influences on development.

Dr. Rider studied factors associated with academic success. She has published research on children's and adults' spatial perception, orientation, and ability to find their way. She got her undergraduate degree from Gettysburg College and her doctorate from Vanderbilt University.

Known for its clear, straightforward writing style, grounding in current research, and well-chosen visuals and examples, Sigelman and Rider’s textbook Life-Span Human Development, 9th Edition (PDF) combines a topical organization at the chapter level and an age/stage organization within each chapter. Every chapter focuses on a domain of development such as physical growth, cognition, or personality and traces developmental trends and influences in that domain from infancy to old age. Each chapter also includes sections on infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The organization helps you grasp key transformations that occur in each period of the life span. Other staples of the textbok LifeSpan Human Development 9E are its emphasis on theories and their application to different aspects of development and its focus on the interplay of nature and nurture in development. This latst Ninth Edition includes new research on biological and sociocultural influences on life span development and offers new media resources that help you engage more actively with the content.

978-1337100731, 978-1337516068, 978-0357228685, 978-1337100755, 978-0357689981, 978-1337469548

A newer edition is also available, see related books below

P.S. We also have the Life-Span Human Development, 9th Edition, test bank and other instructor resources for sale. Contact us

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Life-Span Human Development 9th Edition in PDF format. No access codes are included.


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