
Mastering Technical Communication Skills: A Student’s Handbook – eBook

eBook details

  • Author: Peter Wide
  • File Size: 53 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 108 pages
  • Publisher: Pan Stanford; 1st edition
  • Publication Date: March 27, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9814364673, 1315359278
  • ISBN-13: 9789814364676, 9781315359274


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About The Author

Peter Wide

To live is to communicate, and to communicate with confidence is a craft that one will do well to master early rather than later in life. If only the gift of the gab were enough to sail smoothly through the rough waters that the tough world is teeming with, every glib conversationalist would have a successful vocation, but that’s not the case. The means of communication come naturally to human beings, but the skills that make communicating worthwhile and meaningful do not. Thankfully, anyone who wishes to can learn—and even perfect—these skills.

This concise handbook, Mastering Technical Communication Skills: A Student’s Handbook, focuses on the ways in which college students can develop a robust career after completing their academic studies. The foundational work of nurturing and strengthening individual abilities begins during university life, but these skills need to be complemented with strategies that help the student turned professional to not only interact well with society but also earn its respect through precise, clear, and honest communication. Talent needs to be matched with competence, and the book shows exactly how one goes about doing that. It spells out the ingredients of a sound and strategic action plan that definitively aligns one’s goals with one’s aspirations, no matter how lofty. This plan has to be closely related to the conditions, choices, and possibilities that will be available for the kind of education and experience that individuals have and the aspirations they harbor.

Students entering high school or university can use the ebook to review the necessary courses to choose during their academic life. Young people will find solid guidelines in it that provide a structure for planning and focusing on the skills needed when one embarks upon a fulfilling career.


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