McCance & Huethers Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 9E
- NEW! Over 50 new or revised illustrations visually reinforce pathophysiology concepts.
- NEW! Emerging Science boxes highlight the most current research and clinical developments.
Understand the fundamental aspects of pathophysiology – what, how, and why – with McCance and Huether’s Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 9th Edition (PDF). This comprehensive resource provides in-depth descriptions of diseases, their causes, and the underlying processes, with over 1,300 full-color illustrations to aid in identifying normal and altered anatomy and physiology. It is the ultimate authoritative reference for delving into the most important and complex pathophysiological concepts.

978-0323789882, 978-0323789899, 978-0323789875, 978-8652733248, 978-0323789912, 978-0323789905, 978-0323789936, 9780323789936
P.S. We also have the Study Guide For McCance and Huether’s Pathophysiology, Ninth Edition. See related products below
NOTE: This sale only consists of the eBook McCance and Huether’s Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 9th Edition in the original PDF format. No access codes are included.
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