
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers (5th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Stephen T. Thornton, Andrew Rex, Carol E. Hood
  • File Size: 22 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 704 Pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 5th edition
  • Publication Date: July 14, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1337919454, 0357445732, 0357642058
  • ISBN-13: 9781337919456, 9780357445730, 9780357642054, 9781337919562, 9780357708767

Original price was: $81.99.Current price is: $17.00.

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About The Author

Andrew Rex

Carol E. Hood

Stephen T. Thornton

Stephen T. Thornton

Dr. Stephen T. Thornton researches physics and general science education. His research goal is to prepare graduate physicists to become instructors at colleges and universities. He created a physical science course for K–8 teachers to prepare them to be lead science teachers and has been actively involved in teacher enhancement projects on a local, regional, and state level. As a result, Prof. Thornton created kits that were used in a statewide, nationally televised course for K–12 teachers that focused on experiential learning.

Prof. Thornton records lectures and demonstrations for local venues in Virginia where adjunct academics from the area help the teachers with the practical experiments.

Learn how your life connects to the latest discoveries in physics with MODERN PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, 5th Edition (PDF). This updated edition offers a contemporary, comprehensive approach with a strong emphasis on applications to help you see how concepts in the ebook relate to the real world. Discussions on the experiments that led to key discoveries illustrate the process behind scientific advances and give you a historical perspective. Included is a thorough treatment of special relativity, an introduction to general relativity, and a solid foundation in quantum theory to help you succeed. An updated WebAssign course features a mobile-friendly ebook and a variety of assignable questions to enhance your learning experience. WebAssign for MODERN PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS FIFTH EDITION helps you prepare for class with confidence. Its online learning platform helps you unlearn common misconceptions, practice and absorb what you learn and begin your path as a future physicist or engineer. Tutorials walk you through concepts when you’re stuck, and instant feedback and grading let you know where you stand–so you can focus your study time and perform better on in-class assignments and prepare for exams. Study smarter with WebAssign (not included in this sale).

Additional ISBNs for Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers 5E: 978-1337919456, 978-0357445730, 978-0357642054, 978-1337919562, 978-0357708767

P.S. We also have the Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th Edition, solutions and powerpoint lecture slides for sale. See below.

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers 5th Edition in PDF format. No access codes are included.


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