
New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Cassie Smith-Christmas, Noel P. O Murchadha, Michael Hornsby, Mairead Moriarty
  • File Size: 3 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 316 pages
  • Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Publication Date: November 29, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B077VN1434
  • ISBN-10: 1137575573, 1137575581
  • ISBN-13: 9781137575579, 9781137575586

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About The Author

Cassie Smith-Christmas

Mairead Moriarty

Michael Hornsby

Noel P. O Murchadha

New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices (PDF) represents the first collection specially devoted to New Speaker Studies, concentrating on language ideologies and practices of speakers in a range of minority language communities. Over thirteen chapters, it employs the new speaker lens to investigate not only linguistic issues, such as language change and variation, phonetics, language acquisition, morphosyntax, code-switching, but also sociolinguistic issues, such as integration, legitimacy, and motivation in language learning and use. Besides encompassing a range of languages – Basque, Galician, Giernesiei Breton, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh – and their different sociolinguistic circumstances, the chapters also cover a series of interactional settings: institutional settings, media, and the home domain, and also different contexts for becoming a new speaker of a minority language, such as through education or by migration. This collection shows an output by a lively network of researchers: it will appeal to researchers, academics, and postgraduate students working in the field of sociolinguistics, language policy, applied linguistics, and those working within minority language communities.


The ebook is obviously written for graduate students and researchers, but the issues discussed throughout may also be of interest to a broader readership, mainly language activists and language teachers. … Overall, this ebook makes an important contribution to the literature. … Many of the issues treated in this collection will be known to scholars of language contact and shift, but the chapters offer a new perspective on many of them.” — Colin J. Flynn, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, December 26, 2019

It is the first ebook on new speakers that examines the practical implications of new speaker theory on populations and includes quantitative studies into a largely qualitative field. … most of the more predominant voices in new speaker theory are present in the ebook, this volume is sure to become crucial reading for all those with interest in this developing field, particularly concerning minority languages.” — Deirdre A. Dunlevy, Language Policy, Vol. 18, 2019

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, New Speakers of Minority Languages: Linguistic Ideologies and Practices in PDF. No access codes are included