
Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function (7th edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: Peter Vollhardt, Neil Schore
  • File Size: 49 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1344
  • Publisher: W.H. Freeman and Company; 7th edition
  • Publication Date: August 26, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B07GVR7D77
  • ISBN-10: 1464120277
  • ISBN-13: 9781464120275

A later version of this ebook is available here. Or see below

Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $9.00.

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About The Author

Neil Schore

Neil Schore

Dr. Neil E. Schore was educated in public schools in the Bronx, New York, and Ridgefield, New Jersey. He got his B.A. with honors in chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania in 1969. Moving back to New York, he worked with the late Professor Nicholas J. Turro at Columbia University, studying photochemical and photophysical processes of organic compounds for his Ph.D. thesis. He first met co-author Peter Vollhardt in the 1970s when they both were doing postdoctoral work in Professor Robert Bergman's laboratory at Cal Tech. Dr. Schore has taught organic chemistry to more than 15,000 nonchemistry majors, winning seven teaching awards, publishing over 100 papers in various areas related to organic chemistry, and refereeing several hundred local youth soccer games.


Peter Vollhardt

Peter Vollhardt

Dr. K. Peter C. Vollhardt studied at the University of Munich, got his Ph.D. with Professor Peter Garratt at the University College, London, and was a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Bob Bergman at the CalTech. He moved to Berkeley in 1974 when he began his efforts toward the development of organocobalt reagents in organic synthesis, the preparation of theoretically interesting hydrocarbons, the assembly of novel transition metal arrays with potential in catalysis, and the discovery of a parking space.

He was an Adolf Windaus medalist, Studienstiftler, Humboldt Senior Scientist, ACS Organometallic Awardee, Otto Bayer Prize Awardee, A. C. Cope Scholar, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Prize Holder, and recipient of the Medal of the University Aix-Marseille and an Honorary Doctorate from The University of Rome Tor Vergata. He is the current Chief Editor of Synlett. Among his more than 350 publications, he treasures especially this textbook in organic chemistry, translated into 13 languages.

In this PDF etextbook, Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function 7th edition, the authors present a logical framework for understanding contemporary organic chemistry. This framework emphasizes that the structure of an organic molecule determines how that molecule functions, be it with respect to its physical behavior or in a chemical reaction. In the new 7th edition, the authors have strengthened the themes of understanding mechanisms, reactivity, and synthetic analysis to apply chemical concepts to realistic situations. They have incorporated new applications of organic chemistry in the real life and material sciences. In particular, they have introduced some of the fundamentals of medicinal chemistry in over seventy new entries describing drug design, metabolism, mode of action, absorption, and medicinal terminology. They have also expanded on improving science students’ ability to grasp concepts in a number of sections (“Keys to Success”) and on their problem solving skills by presenting step-by-step guides in Worked Examples. These and other innovations are illustrated in the following pages. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function 7e PDF is offered in an online version to give students cost-effective access to all content from the book plus all student media resources (sold separetely).

P.S A newer edition is also available. See related ebooks below

Note: This only includes the PDF of the book Organic Chemistry 7th edition. Online access codes are NOT included with this.


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