
Principles of Microeconomics (9th Edition) – Mankiw – eBook

eBook Details

  • Author: N. Gregory Mankiw
  • File Size: 20 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 528 Pages
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning; 9th edition
  • Publication Date: January 1, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 035713348X, 0357133587, 0357133595
  • ISBN-13: 9780357133484, 9780357133583, 9780357133590

Original price was: $149.49.Current price is: $15.00.

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About The Author

N. Gregory Mankiw

N. Gregory Mankiw

Dr. N. Gregory Mankiw is Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics and Chair of the Department of Economics at Harvard University. He studied economics at MIT and Princeton University. He has taught microeconomics, statistics, macroeconomics, and principles of economics. Professor Gregory Mankiw is a prolific writer and a regular participant in policy and academic debates. Mankiw's research includes work on price adjustment, financial markets, monetary and fiscal policy, consumer behavior, and economic growth.

His published articles have appeared in academic journals such as the Journal Of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal Of Economics, American Economic Review, and in more widely accessible forums including The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Fortune. In addition to his teaching, writing, and research, Gregory has been a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, an adviser to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Congressional Budget Office, and a member of the ETS test development committee for the advanced placement exam in economics. From 2003 to 2005, Mankiw served as chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. In addition, N. Gregory maintains a very popular blog for students of economics.

Greg lives in Wellesley, Massachusetts, with his wife, Deborah; and 3 children, Nicholas, Peter and Catherine; and their dog, Tobin.

Now you can understand the principles of microeconomics with the help of the most popular introductory ebook in economics trusted by graduate and undergraduate students of economics worldwide — Mankiw’s Principles of Microeconomics, 9th Edition, (PDF). Using a clear, appealing writing style, this ebook emphasizes only material that assists you in better understand the world and economy in which you live. You learn to become a more smart participant in the present economy with a strong understanding of economic policy’s limits and potential. The latest, relevant examples throughout this edition bring today’s microeconomic principles to life, as praised author Gregory Mankiw explains that he tried to put himself in the situation of someone seeing economics for the first time. His aim is to stress the material that readers find interesting about the study of the economy. Real scenarios, helpful economic facts, and clear explanations show how microeconomic concepts play a role in the decisions you make every day.

978-0357133484, 978-0357133583, 978-0357133590, 9780357133583, 978-0357133583

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