
Statistics: Concepts and Controversies (10th Edition) – eBook

eBook details

  • Authors: David S. Moore, William I. Notz
  • File Size: 73 MB
  • Format: ePub (original), PDF (converted)
  • Length: 673 Pages
  • Publisher: W.H. Freeman; 10th edition
  • Publication Date: October 28, 2019
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1319109020, 1319324835
  • ISBN-13: 9781319109028, 9781319324834
  • Original price was: $108.99.Current price is: $16.00.

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    About The Author

    David Moore

    David Moore

    Dr. David Sheldon Moore is a statistician, who is well-known for his leadership of statistics textbooks and education for many decades. He retired in 2004 as a Shanti Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Emeritus at Purdue University. Dr. Moore got his A.B. from Princeton University and earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Cornell University.

    David Moore is the author of a series of influential textbooks in statistical science, including An Introduction to the Basic Practice of Statistics, Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, and Statistics: Concepts and Controversies. His research is focused on the asymptotic theory of robust and nonparametric stats.

    William Notz

    William Notz

    Dr. William I. Notz (Bill Notz) is a statistics professor at Ohio State University.
    He received his B.S. in physics from Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University. His first academic position was as an assistant professor in Purdue University's Department of Statistics. Bill taught the introductory concepts course with Professor Moore while there, and as a result of this experience, he became interested in statistical education.

    Professor Notz is a co-author of EESEE (the Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises) and Statistics: Concepts and Controversies. His research interests have been in experimental design and computer experiments. He has written several research papers as well as a book on the design and analysis of computer experiments.

    Dr. Notz is a member of the American Statistical Association. He has been the editor of the journals Technometrics and Journal of Statistics Education. He has worked at Ohio State University as the Director of the Statistical Consulting Service, as the acting chair of the Department of Statistics for a year, and as an Associate Dean in the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

    There are ebooks on statistical methods and books on statistical theory. This is neither. Statistics: Concepts and Controversies 10e is an ebook on statistical ideas and reasoning and their relevance to public policy and the human sciences, from medicine to sociology. We have included many elementary numerical and graphical techniques to give flesh to the ideas and muscle to the reasoning. Pupils learn to think about data by working with data. We have not, however, let the technique dominate concepts. We intend to teach verbally rather than algebraically, to invite dialogue and even argument rather than mere computation, though some computation remains important. The coverage is significantly broader than one might traditionally cover in a one-term course, as the table of contents discloses. In the essence of general education, we have favored breadth to detail.

    In spite of its informal nature, Statistics: Concepts and Controversies 10th Edition, (ePub/PDF) is a textbook. It is structured for systematic study and has plentiful exercises, many of which ask students to provide a discussion or make a judgment. Even those commendable individuals who seek pleasure in uncompelled reading should look at the exercises in addition to the text. Teachers should be aware that the ebook is more serious than its low mathematical level suggests. The focus on ideas and reasoning asks more of the reader than many recipe-laden methods textbooks.

    978-1319109028, 978-1319324834, 1319349676, 9781319349677, 978-1319349677

    For the first time, SCC 10e  will distribute with SaplingPlus (not included in this sale) as its full course digital solution. We’ll have a well-developed library of error-specific and generic feedback tutorial assessments, associated with the chapter’s main learning goals and mainly taken directly from the end-of-chapter exercises in the ebook. SaplingPlus (not included in this sale) will also introduce our robust suite of teaching and learning resources: Concept and Controversy videos, Learning Curve, statistical applets, data sets, and many more teaching and learning-focused tools.

    We recommend the free Adobe Digital Editions (recommended for Mobile devices) or Calibre (recommended for Windows/Mac) to view the ePub ebook.

    NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Statistics: Concepts and Controversies 10th edition in original ePub format. A converted PDF is included as well. No access codes are included.


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