The Brain and Behavior, 4th Edition (PDF) introduces the neurobiology of human behavior to a broad audience, from graduate students to professionals in psychiatry, psychology, and neurology. This comprehensive resource focuses on locating human behaviors in specific regions of the brain, aiming to make a complex topic visually accessible through the inclusion of clear and focused illustrations. This essential new Fourth Edition emphasizes recent developments in our understanding of the human brain which have emerged from imaging studies. The textbook also features patient case histories with documented anatomical evidence, tying the science with actual clinical examples, making it the most accessible book for medical practitioners of all levels. The collaboration between a neuropsychiatrist, a behavioral neurologist, and a neuroanatomist has resulted in a ebook which synthesizes the complex and evolving information on the neurobiology of human behavior and presents it in an eminently readable volume.
978-1316646939, 978-1108548885
NOTE: This product only includes The Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroanatomy, 4th Edition, in a scanned PDF. No access codes included.
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