
ISE Biology (6th Edition) – Brooker/Widmaier/Stiling/Graham – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Robert J. Brooker, Eric P. Widmaier, Linda Graham, Peter Stiling
  • File Size: 386 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 1474 Pages
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill; Sixth Edition
  • Publication Date: 6 Mar. 2022
  • Language: ‎English
  • ISBN-10: 1264039719, 1265121133
  • ISBN-13: 9781264039715, 9781265121136

The ISE is exactly the same as the US edition

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About The Author

Eric Widmaier

Eric Widmaier

Professor Eric P. Widmaier received his Ph.D. in Endocrinology from the University of California at San Francisco in 1984. His postdoctoral training was in endocrinology and physiology at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, and The Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA. He is currently a Professor of Biology at Boston University.

Linda Graham

Linda Graham

Dr. Linda Graham is Professor of Botany and Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Linda received her Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She has taught a non-majors plant biology course each year for more than twenty years. She also teaches courses on the biology of algae and bryophytes, contributes to an introductory biology course for majors, and has taught marine botany.

Peter Stiling

Peter Stiling

Dr. Peter Stiling is a professor of biology at the University of South Florida at Tampa. Dr. Stiling has taught classes in environmental science, community ecology, and ecology, and in 1995 he received a teaching award in recognition of classroom excellence in these areas. Peter obtained his Ph.D. from University College, Cardiff, UK, and completed his postdoctoral research at Florida State University (USA)

Robert Brooker

Robert Brooker

Dr. Robert (Bob) Brooker is an expert in the fields of Membrane transport and Biology education. He got his PhD in Genetics from Yale University in 1983 and his BS in  Biology (summa cum laude) from the Wittenberg University in 1978. Rob Brooker has also won numeros honours and awards including the Outstanding Teacher Award from St. paul Rotary Club in 2006, Morse Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award (University of Minnesota) in 2004 and the Biological Science Student Association: Outstanding Teacher of the Year in 1993 and many more.

The Brooker’s Biology 6th Edition (PDF) skillfully integrates “Core Concepts” with “Core Skills,” actively engaging students in science-related disciplines. Moreover, with the support of McGraw Hill Connect, robust digital tools enhance instruction by encouraging students to think critically, develop quantitative and graphing abilities, and apply their knowledge in laboratory environments. Connect Virtual Labs can be utilized in both hybrid and fully online formats, preparing students for hands-on experiences in wet labs and enriching their overall laboratory education.

Throughout six editions, the approach to teaching biology has evolved significantly. We have transitioned from a focus on rote memorization, which is often quickly forgotten, to emphasizing fundamental concepts that truly matter. Simultaneously, educators are championing the importance of nurturing critical thinking skills essential for students pursuing careers in biology.

978-1265121136, 978-1264039715, 9781264039715, 978-1264407286, 1264407289, 9781264407286, 9781264407217, 9781265121136, 9781266100994, 9781265598334, 9781265604134, 978-1265647155, 978-1264407217, 978-1265121136, 978-1266100994, 978-1265598334, 978-1265604134, 9781265647155,

NOTE: This sale only consists of the International Student Edition of Biology, 6th Edition in the original PDF format. The International version is exactly the same in content as the North American/US edition. No access codes are included.